Submitted by Marilyn Bossert | ACER-CART Regional Representative West
ACER-CART is the National
Voice of Retired Teachers
Message from newly elected Association Canadienne des Enseignantes et des Enseignants
Retraités — Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART) President Gerry Tiede:
Greetings to all thirteen ACER-CART provincial and
territorial associations and their membership, which
currently totals a growing number of over 160,000!
COVID-19 generated a disturbing effect around
the world, but it has brought those of us who are
retired teachers closer together in a common
purpose. The pandemic has exposed issues that
illustrate the overwhelming vulnerability of seniors.
This exposure directed us to adopt an ambitious
agenda for this coming year in support of our
members and other retired seniors across Canada.
• We will advocate for the development and
implementation of a National Seniors’ Strategy
that includes a universal pharmacare plan with a
national formulary. We will monitor the bilateral
health funding agreements and advocate for a
system that prioritizes home care for seniors and
enforces regulations that govern retirement and
long-term care homes, emphasizing the need
for patient respect, and the working conditions,
training, and wages of staff.
• We will continue to defend defined benefit
pension plans, focusing on how the pandemic
will affect pension plan funding obligations.
Given the current low investment returns and the
huge debt load that governments are amassing,
our concern is that pension plan sponsors —
including governments — will seek relief through
weakening pension promises and downloading
risk on seniors.
• We recognize that together we’re stronger and
will have a greater impact than one group acting
alone. We collected 13,720 signatures in support
of pension security, which led to the withdrawal
of Bill C-27 — demonstrating the benefits of
collective action.
• ACER-CART will seek to elevate our profile and
collaborate within our provincial associations.
We have executive members spread across the
country and encourage provincial associations to
regularly include reports and visits from ACER-
CART directors or executive members at your
general meetings.
• Many of our concerns are shared by associations
representing other groups of active and retired
members. We will continue to seek out and
work with other like-minded groups, such as
the Canadian Health Coalition, the Canadian
Teachers’ Federation, and the National
Association of Federal Retirees, using bodies
such as Vibrant Voices to coordinate our efforts.
Please join us as we speak for not just retired
educators, but for all seniors in Canada.
ARTA continues to play a strong supporting role in ACER-CART:
Marilyn Bossert — ACER-CART Regional Representative West & Communications chair
Gordon Cumming — Pension & Retirement Income Committee member
Lawrence Hrycan — Political Advocacy Committee member
Tony Esteves — ARTA Digital & Creative Strategist (for his expertise for the website redesign)
Daniel Mulloy — ARTA CEO (for his offer of ARTA’s strong support and assistance for the
website redesign)
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COMING SOON: The redesigned ACER-CART website!