From the Editor
Margaret Sadler | Editor-in-Chief, news&views
As a teacher-librarian, my favourite assignment was pulling together as
many resources as I could on one topic that would appeal to a whole
classroom of children — books at different reading levels (picture books,
chapter books, reference books, plus teacher resources), activity guides,
maps and encyclopedia entries, and audiovisual materials (long-play records,
posters, slide-tape presentations) — anything and everything that would pull as
many students as possible into the subject matter.
Pulling together news&views holds
some of the same excitement. Have
we managed to include topics for
new retirees and those who’ve been
at it for a while? Does this issue
capture the attention of public and
private sector members, of former
teachers and former employees in
various other fields, of those who
love to read and those who love to
do — whether at a sewing machine
or the Canada 55+ Games.
Another delightful part of
being editor of news&views
is the number of ‘small world’
experiences I have. Someone in
my yoga class asked, “Didn’t I see
you in ARTA’s news&views?” A
few weeks ago, a former classmate
from forty years ago called to
compliment us on our choice of
font. She wanted to recommend
the same font to all the other
magazines she reads.
Speaking of fonts, we’re
keeping ours, and we’ve learned
a few more ways to enhance
the magazine from a recent
submission to the Golden Quill
Awards, a competition of the
International Association of
Business Communicators (IABC).
While we didn’t win, we’re working
on using fewer words on a page
and easing in more white space.
The judges recommend that
we use colourful graphics
to more carefully direct
the reader’s eye. We’re
aiming for a fresh look.
You may recognize
me from my previous
role as associate
editor. Indeed, I’ve
learned a lot from
Robin Carson over
the past three years
and greatly appreciated
his wisdom and enjoyed
his wit. We worked well
together as news&views
grew over the years. Now, I get
to work more closely with ARTA
staff and am already liking the
ways I’m being stretched to fit my
new role.
As your editor, I hope this and
subsequent issues capture your
interest and imagination. ●
news&views AUTUMN 2019 | 9