• Knee scooters (also known as
knee walkers) and hands-free
crutches are being added to the
list of covered medical aids and
devices available for purchase or
rental, to a maximum of $200
every five (5) years.
◊ These mobility aids are used
for people who must keep
their knee in a bent position
and are generally easier to use
than crutches.
◊ Knee crutches also allow
a person to continue to be
mobile and keep their hands
free while protecting an
injured leg or knee.
• CPAP machine cleaners and
sanitizers are going to be covered
by the plan.
◊ These devices are being added
under the current maximum
allowed for CPAP machine
purchases of $2,000 every
five (5) years.
◊ People who use a CPAP
machine should ensure that
their machine and equipment
are cleaned regularly to
reduce risk of infection when
using CPAP therapy to treat
sleep apnea.
• Usual and customary charges
are being updated to reflect the
marketplace charges for certain
medical aids, devices, and
service claims submitted over
the past year.
◊ The usual and customary fees
continue to ensure that most
of the claims will be covered.
◊ However, claims that are
significantly higher than
marketplace standards are
not introducing excess costs
into the plan.
Due to positive plan
experience over the past
year, ARTA is proud to be
able to implement these
plan enhancements with
no rate changes.
Detailed information on these
coverage changes is included in
the plan booklets or available
online at arta.net by clicking on
Forms and Documents, located
within the Member Services
section of the website.
ARTA will continue to review
potential plan enhancements
on an ongoing basis, while
keeping the plan affordable for
our covered members. Please
continue to submit suggestions
you think may be suitable for
the Health Benefits Committee’s
consideration. Suggestions may
be mailed to the ARTA office or
via email to info@arta.net. ●
news&views AUTUMN 2019 | 13