one or two goals and choose
goals that are important to
you. Plan how to reach each
of these goals, then track your
progress. Doing this is a way
Getting adequate rest is equally
to keep yourself accountable
important for wellness. Our
to yourself.
mental wellness can also be
• Thinking of making a change?
infl uenced by our quality and
Start small. Want to run a
quantity of sleep. We must
Physical Activity
marathon? Join a ‘learn to
remember to consider sleep
According to the National
run’ group.
patterns because when we
Wellness Institute, regular
• Support is important. Joining
activity is very important to our are tired, negative thinking or
up with another person
overall well-being. The physical unhealthy habits may intrude.
who is on a similar mission
Developing healthy sleep habits
benefi ts of looking good and
helps with motivation and
will prevent us from being
feeling better most often lead
overtired and will help us to stay
to psychological benefi ts of
• Celebrate your success!
more alert.
enhanced self-esteem, better
Refl ect and be mindful of how
Fatigue is characterized by
self-control, and an improved
far you have come!
chronic tiredness or sleepiness,
sense of direction.
slowed refl exes and responses,
It takes a fair amount of time
Cultivating mindful practices of
to balance the activities of choice impaired decision making,
healthy eating, mental wellness,
and poor judgement. Waking
that build up physical strength,
physical activity, and restful
up feeling tired — or feeling as
fl exibility, and endurance, while
sleep will culminate in bringing
if one has not slept at all — is
at the same time to take into
about an optimal balance in life
an indication of fatigue. When
account safety precautions with
that each of us should strive to
every attempt at physical activity restful or restorative sleep is
achieve. ●
and to learn how to monitor one’s challenging to obtain over a
For Further Study
period beyond one or two weeks, Six dimensions of wellness:
own vital signs and understand
it is always a good idea to make
the body’s warning signals.
an appointment with a doctor.
In addition to the physical
Getting a good night’s sleep is Canada’s Food Guide: canada.
exercises we may do, any
vital to our emotional, physical, publications/food-nutrition/
movement that initiates our
and spiritual well-being. It
muscles to move, such as
combats feelings of tiredness
gardening, walking, yoga,
Alberta Health Services,
and improves one’s alertness.
child care, singing, dancing, or
What’s your balance?
On a fi nal note: what’s your
bowling, all add up to improving
balance? Time to get started
our health and well-being.
Our brain responds positively fi nding it? Consider these ideas: Mental fitness:
to the benefi ts of regular activity. • Balance takes time and
practice! Often times ‘life’
Studies show that regular
gets in the way. Start with
physical exercise impacts brain
things that happen on a daily
or weekly basis. Other ways
to stay mentally well include
daydreaming, refl ecting on joyful
events in our life, volunteering,
reducing negative thinking, being
silly, doing one thing at a time,
and being kind to oneself.
health by increasing endorphins
and improving memory and
thinking skills.
news&views AUTUMN 2018 | 57