President’s Message
Marilyn Bossert | President, ARTA
In my first column as your president, I equated my future to a journey, and it
continues to be just that, both figuratively and literally.
jeopardize defi ned benefi t
In early June, I travelled to
plans. More explanation
Ottawa for the 2018 Annual
can be found on the BCRTA
General Meeting of ACER-CART,*
the Canadian Association for
Retired Teachers. ARTA was also
represented by Gordon Cumming, • ACER-CART will continue its
ARTA director to ACER-CART,
support for a comprehensive
and Daniel Mulloy, ARTA CEO
national Canadian
and executive director.
pharm acare plan. Such a plan
would support aff ordable
prescription drug coverage for
organization of retired teachers’
all Canadians.
associations from every
• ACER-CART opposes
Canadian province and the
privatization of medical
Yukon Territory that represents
services in Canada as an
their members when conversing
expressed threat to public
with the federal government and
medicare in Canada. Medicare
other national organizations.
is on trial in British Columbia
Those in attendance at this
with the Dr. Brian Day case.
annual meeting support the
concept of working together with • ACER-CART will be a
participant, in any symposium
other like-minded groups on
of like-minded organizations,
behalf of retirees. The following
to work toward a national
exemplify some areas of concern:
advocacy plan with a seniors’
• ACER-CART will continue to
focus for the 2019 election.
advocate for pension security
You may recall how helpful
by opposing any legislation
the information gathered by
such as Bill C-27 that would
this group was before the last
federal election.
ACER-CART executive members
include Bill Berryman of
Nova Scotia, President; Gerry
Tiede of British Columbia,
Vice President; Brian Kenney
of Ontario, Past President;
Margaret Urquhart of
New Brunswick, Regional
Representative East; Martin
Higgs, Regional Representative
Ontario; and Gordon
Cumming of Alberta, Regional
Representative West.
This was my fi rst experience
with ACER-CART, and I
returned home with the belief
that all Canadian retirees can be
well served by the eff orts of the
organization. ●
* Association Canadienne des
enseignantes et des enseignants
retraités – Canadian Association of
Retired Teachers.
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After August 30, the email addresses you are used
to using to communicate with news&views will no
longer work. From September 1 and on, please use
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news&views AUTUMN 2018 | 5