news&views 2024 summer | Page 44

Kudos to a Favourite Teacher

Heather Sinton | Article and Photo

“ Your life lies before you like a path of driven snow ; be careful how you tread it , for every step will show .”

— Lowri Williams
This is the quote that my Grade 7 teacher , Mr . Jeffares , wrote in my autograph book . Of all the teachers that I had in school , Dr . David Jeffares stands out as the one who inspired me to do my best . I have thought about that quote ’ s wisdom from time to time and have tried to live by it over the years .
David had a long and distinguished career . He taught or administered in schools located in Alberta , France , and Australia . He earned his PhD in 1973 and then worked as a director with Alberta Education . In various roles , he researched and developed curricula and programs for the integration of special needs children into regular classrooms and established the Attendance Board for Alberta Education . He was also an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta until he retired in 1998 . Dedicated teachers like David deserve recognition , and in 2005 he received the Alberta Centennial Award for his outstanding contributions to education .
I had the privilege of having David as a teacher ( and principal ) while in Grade 7 in 1965 . He made learning interesting and challenging , and as a result ,
I loved his classes . The movie The Sound of Music came out that year , and he taught our class several of the songs . I still remember the words to “ My Favourite Things ,” and sang it to my four children and grandchildren .
In retirement , I have taken up painting and photography . I didn ’ t have any formal training in either . In fact , the only art classes I recall having were those that David taught . We learned about perspective , composition , and use of colour — obviously he lit a spark in me !
I had the joy of reconnecting with David last year . I learned that he had had a stroke , so I travelled to Edmonton to see him for the first time in almost sixty years . It was a very special and emotional reunion . I was able to express to him in person the positive impact that he had on my life . The knowledge , skills , and wisdom that he imparted to his students have stayed with me to this day .
Heather Sinton worked as an educator , reclamation specialist , and environmental director advocating for the conservation of native landscapes . In retirement , she celebrates their beauty through photography and art , hoping to inspire others to connect with nature .
“ Take the time to see A child as he unfolds . Sense his needs , what ’ er they be , And what the future holds .”
— David Jeffares ( 1977 )
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