news&views 2024 summer | Page 37

Wild Rose

Yvonne K−ennedy

Photos by Yvonne Kennedy
Photography has always been a part of Yvonne ’ s life . Over the years , she has captured her travels to every continent ( minus Antarctica , for now ) through the lens of her camera . Now semi-retired , Yvonne and her husband travel more than ever before , creating digital slideshows to share the many places and cultures they ’ ve experienced .
Although travel is her primary subject , Yvonne is still quick to capture the beauty in her own backyard . Every year , she looks forward to seeing the lady slippers bloom on their family farm , the yellow irises that grow in her neighbour ’ s yard , and the splashes of pink Alberta wild roses on her walks in the woods .
“ It ’ s a privilege to be in nature and appreciate its beauty in all aspects . It refreshes my soul ,” says Yvonne .
Yvonne appreciates how the art of photography encourages her to stay present in the moment . When noticing even something as small as red clover , she marvels at nature ’ s beauty around her .
Lady Slipper
SUMMER 2024 | 37