news&views 2024 summer | Page 35


K−im Yamashita

Photos by Kim Yamashita
A retired elementary school art teacher with a background in the fine arts , Kim has always been in touch with her creative side . “ Visual arts wise , I was more of a watercolour artist in the beginning when I was working ,” says Kim . “ After retirement , I became really passionate about photography .”
What began as a method of capturing flowers to use as a reference for later paintings became her main art form . Kim has been behind the lens ever since .
Since retiring , Kim has incorporated her love of photography into her daily life . From strolling in the neighbourhood , to visiting botanical gardens — whether travelling near or far — wherever Kim goes , so does her camera .
One of Kim ’ s favourite subjects to photograph is flowers . She finds her regular trips to visit family in Vancouver especially successful , since the community gardens there are in bloom year-round .
When shooting florals , Kim tries to capture the finer details — the droplets of water , the shape and texture of the petals , the vibrant colours . “ I like to get really close to the flowers ,” she says . “ Sometimes I ’ m on my tummy to capture them !”
Whether or not you come from an artistic background like Kim , she believes photography is a hobby worth pursuing . “ It ’ s therapeutic for me ,” she says . “ If I see something that captivates me , I take my camera out and shoot .”
Clematis Orchid Dahlia
SUMMER 2024 | 35