news&views 2024 spring | Page 38

The Practice of Hope : How to Cultivate Hope for the Future

Ronna Jevne
There is no shortage of uncertainty in today ’ s world . Ongoing wars , climate change , pandemics , homelessness , and the rising cost of living seem so far outside of our control . In our personal lives , uncertainties arise from health concerns , financial instability , difficult friendships , or privilege , all of which have the potential to deplete our hope .
But we have a choice : we can live in fear , or from a place of hope . Life will be very different depending on your choice . Hopeful people are proven to be happier , more productive , more creative , more goal oriented , and better able to manage life ’ s stressors . But how do we become more hopeful ?
First , let ’ s clarify what hope is . Hope can be differentiated from other related concepts such as desire , wishing , resilience , coping , faith , or courage . And although there is a clear consensus about the value of hope , there are variations in the definition of hope .
My personal definition is that hope is a small voice in our heart that says “ yes ” to life . If nurtured and strengthened , it pulls us forward in life . It allows us to envision a future in which we are willing to participate . If that voice is silenced , hope wanes or dies .
Hope includes what we feel , what we believe , how we behave , and what has meaning for us . In addition , hope is about possibility , not probability . Probability can be low , but hope encompasses possibility as an option .
Two other features are unique to hope . Firstly , hope is often connected to our senses ; secondly , hope has a goodness factor — which is to say , hope doesn ’ t generate from ill will .
Practising Hope
Research has confirmed that hope can be learned and , with practice , can become our default response to life circumstances . A practice of hope is the intentional use of strategies to cultivate this outlook in your own life . Obviously , one size does not fit all ; what is hopeful for one person may not be for another . That being said , here are some general tips to get you on the right track .
Remove obvious threats to hope
If you have a chronic condition , do what you can to comply with behaviours that help you heal . If you are in an unhealthy relationship , recognize what is and is not within your control . Perhaps seek outside help to achieve a perspective . Consider watching less news .
Know your hope story Each of us has a hoping self , crafted from the events and relationships experienced throughout our lives . Imagine telling someone the story of how your hope has developed , been depleted , or strengthened over your lifetime .
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