news&views 2024 spring | Page 31

As seniors in our community , we see an opportunity to mentor the younger generation to continue on with the work we ’ re doing .”

— Barb Borkent
might need to raise $ 40,000 to $ 50,000 .” Al and Barb are active participants in the application process . They call their MP ’ s office for regular updates and do what they can to speed things along . “ Every time we call to get an update , it seems to motivate the government to move things along a little faster ,” Al jokes , “ So , we like to keep in touch .”
After the family arrives , Al and Barb set them up in the community . This means helping them find housing , work , doctors , banks , drivers ’ training , English classes , or whatever they need to be successful in Canada . It may seem like a lot of work , but as a sponsor you ’ re not just providing a service for someone in need , you ’ re inviting a family to be part of your life and claiming a certain degree of responsibility for their well-being .
“ We basically see it as an opportunity to serve ,” says Al . “ Living in Canada , we ’ re very privileged . We ’ ve always been well provided for , and looking at the world around us , we see such need everywhere . There are so many opportunities to help .”
Their first family arrived in 2016 from Syria by way of Lebanon . Since then , they ’ ve sponsored a number of other families fleeing Syria , Afghanistan , and Ukraine . Some families have since relocated to be closer to relatives in other cities or to find better work opportunities . Most , however , have stayed in the Sherwood Park area , where Al and Barb remain in regular contact , even years after the families became self-sufficient .
Besides helping refugees directly , there is another aspect of Al and Barb ’ s work . That list of one hundred names they were given back in 2015 made it clear to both of them that no matter how many applicants they are able to help , there are always more in need . But with enough people pitching in , their impact can be greatly expanded .
“ As seniors in our community , we see an opportunity to mentor the younger generation to continue on with the work we ’ re doing ,” says Barb . “ We take them under our wing and show them what the steps are to become a private sponsor . We also reach out to other churches who want to start sponsoring families and share tips and lessons we ’ ve learned .”
Currently , Al and Barb are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their latest family from Syria . By now , they ’ re used to the routine , but there is always a certain sense of excitement as the arrival date approaches . After that , they plan to sponsor another family , and another , for as long as they are able and as long as there are people to help .
news & views SPRING 2024 | 31