news&views 2024 spring | Page 21


Robert Michon | Manager , Communications

Supporting the Future of Seniors in Alberta

The Alberta Retired Teachers Charitable Foundation ( ARTCF ) works hard to find partner charities across Alberta that align with its mandate of helping Alberta ’ s seniors access secure housing , health-care resources , and English as a second language education . At the end of 2023 , ARTCF renewed its support for two programs , the Parkinson Association of Alberta and Alzheimer Calgary , and partnered with a new organization that is helping those with dementia remain in their homes for longer , Jewish Family Services Calgary .
The Parkinson Association of Alberta has been a partner of ARTCF for many years now , and their popular tele-support groups allow Albertans living with Parkinson ’ s disease to connect with each other remotely , share their experiences , and offer support . ARTCF ’ s renewed financial support of $ 25,000 is allowing the Parkinson Association of Alberta to further expand their network , especially when it comes to rural and northern Alberta . It also allows the organization to offer specialized support groups for those who are having very specific experiences with Parkinson ’ s disease , such as groups for those with advanced cases , groups for those with new diagnoses , and those without a personal support network in their own lives .
Alzheimer Calgary is another long-standing partner of ARTCF . Their focus is on education around Alzheimer ’ s disease , both for people living with the disease and their loved ones . Upon receiving a diagnosis , many families are unsure how to proceed . Alzheimer Calgary works to build resources that educate , reduce stigma around the condition , and empower families to move forward with confidence and hope . ARTCF awarded Alzheimer Calgary with $ 30,000 to expand their programming in 2024 and beyond .
A new partner for ARTCF , Jewish Family Services Calgary is building and expanding a program called “ Memory Care ,” which offers at-home , one-onone support to those living with dementia . Each participant in the program receives a personalized approach to their care , which uses their existing interests and abilities to build and maintain cognitive , physical , social , and creative health . ARTCF awarded Jewish Family Services Calgary $ 20,000 to invest in the Memory Care program , bringing hope and comfort to many .
Of course , these charitable efforts could not have been made without the support of ARTCF ’ s generous donors . With low administrative overhead , 95 % of the money donated to ARTCF directly funds programs like those listed above . Visit arta . net / artcf to learn more about our foundation ’ s mandate , and to make a donation yourself .
news & views SPRING 2024 | 21