news&views 2024 spring | Page 14

To Live Life


Ron Jeffery | Member , Wellness Committee , ARTA

Hope Springs Eternal

As I sit down to write this article , it is the coldest day of the winter in mid-January . I look out at the snow through frosted windowpanes and see in my mind freshly cut , dew‐drenched , green grass — signs of the spring to come . I think of possibilities of what I can do ; what I can be ; how I can make a difference in the lives of those I love and to those who need love , caring , and encouragement .
As we move further into our retirements , we often think of the past — where we have been and what we have accomplished ; perhaps , too , of disappointments and dreams unfulfilled . Yet a new spring always renews in us dreams of hope and possibilities .
Reflecting on the past with the objectivity of age can help us move forward .

To Live Life

Ron Jeffery ( 1995 )
To think of yesterday is to remember our memories . To think of tomorrow is to dream our dreams .
To think of today is to live life .
I was walking by an elementary school the other day and saw , through a classroom window , the face of a student looking out at the world . Were they dreaming of their future ? It is a fast-moving , complicated world today , with technology in so many ways dominant .
This is the world our youth and our own children and grandchildren must now navigate . Will they have the skills to meet the challenges of their world ? Growing up mid – last century , it seemed simpler then — we spent more time with family and with friends , playing outside , eating ice cream on the lawn , watching our world go by . There were no computers ; television was just developing and was often a reason for our families to gather and watch the latest episode of our favourite programs . We listened to music on a transistor radio as our parents yelled at us to “ turn down that noise ” of rock and roll . We would go out early in the day to play and come home when the sun went down . We had fewer organized sports and more pick-up games on the street . Cars were to impress the girls ; they were noisy and didn ’ t have seat belts ! We weren ’ t “ tethered ” to our parents through a cell phone or driven to and from school for safety . We didn ’ t practise “ lockdowns .” We didn ’ t know what an active shooter was .
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